The Kaita International Patent Office, PA.C.
houses a team of intellectual property experts.From patents to designs, trademarks, and even consultations,we cater to all your needs in IP.

Message from management

The Kaita International Patent Office, PA.C. is a team of intellectual property experts. We serve as agents in the procedures to secure rights for patents, utility models, designs, trademarks, as well as other related functions for all forms of IP. Boosting customer satisfaction is our top priority, and each and every one of us engages in work while always thinking about what is best for our clients.
There is greater demand than ever in the field of IP for increasing the level of quality in application documents and services, while achieving faster turnaround. With clients engaging in fierce competition on the global stage, it is also crucial to have an accurate understanding of the IP systems in different countries worldwide in order to support them.
At the Kaita International Patent Office, PA.C., our patent attorneys and staff members seek to see things from the perspective of our clients while always engaging in work with a passionate and earnest outlook. To this end, we strive to provide a positive and healthy workplace environment where all employees can improve their skills.


